Round Table: Electromagnetic Smog Concerns
 – Safety Guidelines and Standards

Moderator: Vesna Roje, University of Split, FESB



The purpose of this Round Table is to acquaint the participants with EMC standards and standards-related issues, which could be interesting for communication community, particularly with the safety aspects of the electromagnetic radiation concerning human health.

The idea for initiating such a meeting was driven by the fact that although it is not scientifically clearly evidenced the concern about possible health risks results from the expose to the RF radiation (GSM base station, mobile phones, LAN, WLAN, bluetooth) exists and is even growing, especially in public.

This important aspect of the electromagnetic compatibility arising from the new communication technology obviously cannot be avoided any more

Because of the importance of assessing the health risk, the bodies for creating the safety norms concerning these problems have been established at the international, European and national levels and the adequate documents are developed or are in the process of development.

The goal we would like to achieve by organizing this round table is to introduce to the participants at least some of the documents dealing with the assessments of the health risks. We hope that the round table discussion could be helpful in exchanging the knowledge and experiences between the researchers from academia, industry and government same as between the participants from the wide communication engineering community, so to be able to successfully cope with the electromagnetic radiation threats and effectively manage safety problems in design, manufacture, installation and operational use.

Electromagnetic Effects on Live Beings
Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar
nstitute for Advance Studies in Communications (IECOM), Brasil

Postprocessing of the Human Body Response to Transient Electromagnetic Fields
Dragan Poljak
University of Split, FESB, Croatia

Human Exposure Assessment - Methods and Problems
Antonio Sarolic
University of Zagreb, FER, Croatia